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About Us

We Build for People


M&C Blocks Company 

M&C Blocks Company decided to introduce blocks that use mussels and clam shells as an ingredient. Mussel and clam shells contain high calcium carbonate that will be utilized as a component to strengthen cement and solidify blocks. The introduction of this product will help reduce seashell waste and make blocks stronger. Furthermore, converting seashell waste into useful materials will assist in sustainable resource management and development and reduce environmental pollution. This product will be offered to the market individually or per piece. 


We accept personal responsibility  for meeting business needs, improving our production, and assisting the company's overall operation to become more efficient and effective.

Integrity and honesty

We always try to do the right thing. We are honest and follow the rules and regulations of the law. And, in advocating proposals, we are data-driven and intellectually honest.

Environmental Sustainability

To ensure a healthy environment for future generations, we value the environment and consider its impact in all of our decisions. We advocate for a commitment to recycling waste shells through appropriate corporate initiatives, reducing environmental impact to zero and contributing to global environmental revitalization.

Our Mission

Our unwavering commitment to our customers is to provide a "quick and cost-effective" solution without sacrificing quality. The M&C Blocks Company approach is to invest in our people, who are the foundation of our success. To achieve the greatest quality, our personnel participate with the correct attitude and discipline. We can develop a lasting mutual trust with our consumers on this foundation globally competitive individuals.

Our Vision

M&C Blocks Company is a firm that specializes in the manufacture of concrete blocks. We strive to create a competent team with a positive working environment for the company's production. As environmentally conscious individuals, we work together to meet the needs of our customers while also assisting the company's success by encouraging a diversity of ideas and opinions.

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